This is the place for all things World Lit! Here you'll find postings for assignments, due dates and commentaries for Ms. Coulson's Senior WL class.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
"The Stranger" anticipation guide response
Select one of the following 10 statements from the anticipation guide distributed on Friday. Briefly explain your position as to why you either agree or disagree with the statement. Justify your rationale as much as possible.
"In life, I must make choices regardless of what's best for others. I can only choose what's best for me."
I disagree with this statement because you have the ability to choose whether or not you want to put yourself or others first. Someone who is humble might put others first more often than themselves. A narcissistic person would do what is best for them the majority of the time.
I agree with Natalie. Although most by compulsion would disagree with this statement, most in this world live this statement. We see this not only in how we communicate and what we buy, but also by the simple fact that a person CAN sit by and live a happy life while others die from a lack of any sort of decent physical living.
I disagree with Natalie an Jeff because we all make choices that helps our selves even if that choices will affect other people for example If you have a job would you be willing to give it another person? idont think so, we all want what is best for our selves not to whats best for others.If this statement wouldn’t be true the world would be equal but its not. i might not be right but thats what i think.
"Existence is absurd and true meaning in life is impossible."
I disagree with this statement because we the people of planet earth didn't chose to be here or not it just happened. We can not say that our existence is absurd because we didn't chose are destiny and we shouldn't question it. We might not know the exact true meaning of life but each person can live their life the way they want to and be happy which ever way they chose to live it. i wouldn't say that the true meaning is impossible or should be looked at as irrational. People need to chose the true meaning of their own lives and figure out why they are here and make the best of it.
Thats my boy! Drewstopher knows what he's talking about. Don't conform to those status-quo pessimists who want to say that true meaning of life is impossible! if there was no meaning why would we be here? I completely agree with Drewson on this one. we do not have to know what the true meaning in life is because it could be different foe everyone. just because it is one way for one person does not mean that it is the same for someone else. i think that everyone has their own meaning to discover.
"Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear."
I agree with this statement because just looking at a single point, decision making. What do you base most of your decisions off of? I base mine off consequence and what decision will have the best outcome because I FEAR what could happen. Many people base their decisions off the fear of approval of their peers, and the wrong decision could lead to anxiety. That is one reason why I believe our day to day lives are filled with anxiety and fear.
I agree, because I think that no matter if you feel anxious during the day or not, you most likely are basing decisions off of consequences that you may later fear. It also doesn't mean that you are terrified of something every day; this is spectrum based, meaning you can be very anxious one day, and barely the next.
"Political philosophies, religious dogma, societal beliefs are irrelevant to me and do not define me."
I agree with this statement. Political philosophies, religious dogma and societal beliefs don't define me. I choose the ones that I believe in based on what my beliefs and morals are. Not by society, religion, or politics. Many people thing that those 3 things are the reason why you believe what you believe. I think that expieriences are the reason people believe what they believe. Contrary to a majority of society, I am not religious. So society's beliefs on religious dogma don't define me at all. I choose my beliefs on my own. As for politics, I think that people's political philosophies are mostly run by religion and societal beliefs. I think that polititians try to play to society so they are liked. They choose who to appeal to based on what is close to their own beliefs, then they make some compromises between their beliefs and society's beliefs. Political philosophies dont define me mainly becaus I don't follow politics very closely at all.
"Existence is absurd and true meaning in life is impossible."
I agree with this statement. Particularity the true meaning in life is impossible part. I believe that to a certain extent. I do not believe humans as a whole have a purpose or life's "true meaning." That being said I do believe that an individual can find something that is deeply important to them self and by doing that one could create their own individual true meaning.
I agree with Scott alot. There is no grand meaning for humans to exist, we just do. Be as people, we can find meaning in how we live our lives. In the whole scheme of things, life is meaningless, but on an idividual basis, there is.
I agree with Scott when he says that while humans as a whole don’t have an overall meaning in life, anyone single person can find a meaning that they feel is their meaning in life. I disagree with the statement that “Existence is absurd” because I feel that everyone has their own specific meaning in life thus making it meaningful
"Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear"
I completely disagree with this statement, I don’t think that all of our life are filled with anxiety and fear; I think that while some of our life is filled with these things there is also a large part of it is also filled with joy and happiness. Everyone has feelings of anxiety and fear but the majority of people have the ability to break these feelings and are able to enjoy life and be happy and that’s why all people have moments of happiness from one time or another. No matter how a person may feel at one point in time there is always the possibility of making things better and improve their life.
I agree with Micheal and at one point I don't because you never know if life is a "day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear". examples: I went to Disneyland and i had tons of fun but in that particular day i did not feel any anxiety or fear. Don't get me wrong we'll feel fear and anxiety probably most days but not always.
I agree with Michaels point because we shouldn't live in a life where we live day to day in fear of what is coming next. we should live in a life where everyday is new and exciting and we should live like its our last. there is some things in life that makes us have anxiety or fear but we try to avoid those things or not think about them. so why would life be filled with anxiety or fear if we just forget about those certain things? if a person is living in fear they will always try to improve their life like michael said, by basically bringing in happiness
The Stranger: Statements Whether or not God exists is irrelevant because of free will
I believe that this statement is false for several reasons. Although my mind capacity is only limited to however far human minds can go, logic seems to tell me that this God or another higher power must exist simply because I do not believe the universe exists by random chance. This is one of the most mind-boggling concepts in my opinion that humans can undertake. Although some people believe in God, some Allah, and some in nothing, I think that since we are all on the same level as humans no one person’s opinion is more legitimate than another. I think that the question of whether or not a higher power exists is central to the original statement. I believe that I would not have a conscience like the one I have if free will ruled and there was no God. I think that free will is even not a legitimate issue to talk about now that the government is attempting to take away our liberties. So in the end this question is not really even a legitimate point to think about, all in my opinion, since we do not know if God exists and since most of the world does not even have free will, and since our government is trying to strip us of it. To some degree however, we do have the free will to think and form opinions in our minds. I think that the original statement can only be analyzed if a person accepts that we do have free will. Personally however, I think that God does exist, and my free will is dictated by my conscience which is dictated by how much I live by God. These are all just my opinions.
Sure Andrew, but this statement isn't declaring whether God exists or not. It's say that whether God exists or not doesn't matter because we all have the ability to choose
"Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear" I dont know how feel about it's 50/50 for me because life can be fun and hard at the same time. You cant really know what life has for you. Only God know for me. But i would say i disagree a little bit if i had to choose one. because life throws random obstacles at us.
I would have to agree with Roble on this one. Although we as humans live with a fear in the back of our minds of the possibility of death or some disastrous event, its not something that should corrupt the thinking of an individual. The individual can only think about that and to me, that sounds like a miserable and dreadful life, only looking forward to the moment of death and living in fear because of it. Life is a precious gift so why not take advantage of all the amazing things it has to offer? Life does throw random obstacles at us, but these obstacles can help build character and make a person stronger if they choose so to move past and overcome the obstacle itself
I think you're right, we feared and excited for tomorrow, because we have no idea what's comming next at corner. anxiety and fear is part of it, but not all of it.
I agree with Roble but I think this statement is more true than false. Even though it says we have anxiety and fear every day, it doesnt say that we dont have other positive feelings everyday as well. And i also think that anxiety isnt always a bad thing. Any big decision you make probably makes you somewhat anxious, even if all of the choices are positive, choosing between them and reconsidering each one most likely makes you anxious.
Most of you are focusing on death being the only event which brings about anxiety and fear. If you think about the rationale human being, that is, a person who can create for themselves a logical conclusion about whether something is true or false, don't they still have an ounce of fear or anxiety about whether their interpretation may be inaccurately perceived? Meaning, while fear and anxiety may or may not rule a person's decision making, it is ever present on some level.
"Existence is absurd[meaningless, ridiculous] and true meaning of life is impossible"
I totally agree with this statement. The idea that a single individual can simply say what life really is, is completely ridiculous. The simple fact is that as humans as a whole, everyone is different. For example, an Asian person is undoubtedly in some way different from an American, and vice versa. Though they two individuals may show similarities, they are indeed different. To add to this, the meaning of life isn't just restricted to our little star in our galaxy, but in fact is part of a solar system, which is part of a galaxy, which is part of a universe. Then you could (if you wanted) even say our own universe is grouped with an infinite number of alternate universes. The question that may arise from this is: Does the meaning of life only exist in our own universe, or is it's meaning defined with all of these other universes??? Perhaps the true meaning of life can only be connected when all universes have been analyzed together in an insanely complex web of information. And then we haven't even considered the dilemma of alternate dimensions.
There is a possibility that this is total rubbish, perhaps the meaning of life really is only limited to this spec, but I doubt that. If I were to accept any meaning of life, I would say that the ultimate answer to the ultimate question is quite simply: 42.
I like your idea of individual universes as everybody perceives life in different ways and has different experiences, therefor the universe is different to each individual. However as far as a meaning of life I do not believe there is one meaning. I believe this because if there was a meaning of life then everything and everyone alive would naturally know what that meaning was because it would be, well the meaning of life. This of course removes the need for earth to be created to determine the true question but I feel it would not be necessary.
Couldn't agree more. No one has a say as to what is the meaning or what isn't. Nor whether we have meaning at all. If there was, then don't you think that there would be some kind of proof that could be shown to everyone without argument? I will be glad to listen when one comes across.
“In life, I must make choices regardless of what’s best for others. I can only choose what’s best for me.”
I disagree with this statement because some people actually make choices having people in mind and they don’t think about what is best for them. But there are some people who just think of themselves and make choices that are best for them.
I also disagree, to some extent. When I make decisions that could affect people i care about i almost always pick what is best for them to make them happy. But I also from time to time find a compromise or other choice to satisfy both parties. When talking about large groups, yes i do try and make myself happy, but I’m not going to do what’s best for me if it is what is worse for everyone else. That is why I also disagree with this statement.
I agree, the statement says "In life I MUST"....stating that its you at end of the day so you kind of have to make your own decisions. So Alondra and Drew Nyberg if you are choosing your decisions with others in mind thats great and all but it says YOU MUST MAKE YOUR OWN, eventually cause you only have youself. So it inevitable no matter what cause one day YOU MUST! And when you do society and your surroundings have no other choice but to accept the aftermath bacause you made that decision for YOURSELF!
Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear.
I agree with this statement. There is the constant fear and danger of death and darkness all around us. We seem to take this darkness and keep it in a corner and not ever look at it till it appears in some awful form to make us want to cover it in more darkness. IT is just how we as a society have learned to cope with his and it is slowly desensitizing and making our fears grow and grow.
I agree with Phillip because there is a slim chance to live through a day without feeling anxious or scared that something will happen. Being cautious everyday watching where you walk making sure you don't trip or fall. The littlest things we think in our heads are always tied to anxiety and fear. This is how we learn on a day to day bases.
Existence is absurd and true meaning in life is impossible
I agree, no one ever can choose random topic from nowhere and say, "this is true meaning of human being! everyone follow this!" like that. for me, life is like a big sand box in the playground that you can either do nothing and suck your finger or you can build as far as you can reach, yeah, pretty much you have to make your own goal for enjoy your little game. no one give you a answer of life, but there's so much people try to give me a hint, of course that's what reason people go to school and travel and find something really really important. however, I think true meaning of life can be exist if I'm only one person on the earth.
The individual must create his or her own meaning, you're right. It can be determined by learning what one values most, but essentially, there is no real meaning. You can live a full life, have children, be happy and you still might not know the meaning behind it all. According to Existentialism that is. All that I mentioned are external things to make someone happy, whereas the real idea may lie someplace else!
"Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear" As stated in an earlier comment by Roble, I'd have to say I'm 50/50 on this. Yes in the minds of most people the thought of death and or a fearful event presents itself, but it should be something that does not consume our thinking or influencing the way we live. The topics should be confronted but only momentarily. Life is to precious to live in complete fear or be anxious, thats not at all how one should approach life. Before my dad passed away, often times he told me to never fear life, but to take advantage of it. Death is unavoidable, but why dwell on it? We were placed on this earth to grow, learn and live out our lives. He placed emphasis on the living part, dwelling on the thought of death can make one's life miserable, because you only have that one moment to well look forward to i guess. But in the grand scheme of things its not. There are so many greater things that should be able to replace the fear and anxiety up until the moment that it maybe needs to be thought about it. Being religious, I believe God wants us to enjoy the life he created for us, not live in fear because of it.
I agree with this statement just because it's the truth. You will die one day sooner or later. Even though we might not know when the day will come but at least we know that there will be one day in the future where you will die. It is sad to even wonder, when, what, where and how we will die. We could just have the knowledge to EXPECT what might happen when you do something for example crossing the middle of a freeway will definitely kill you. Common sense is not considered as an authentic moment because although we have a higher chance in predicting what will happen, things could change at that split second. But we all know that we will for sure because there is a very very slim chance we will be alive forever.
Death is the only constant we have. If we know the definition of authentic is genuine or real, this is the only 'real' event we know to exist. The rest doesn't matter, but it will happen whether we attribute meaning to it or not. When death occurs, which it eventually will, that will be the most real moment in entire lives. Weird to consider!
Braden Anderton Ms. Coulson World Lit. And Comp. April 16, 2012
“Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear.” I believe this to be very true. We are motivated by two things in life. Seeking pleasure, and avoiding pain. We know what to avoid because of the anxiety or fear we feel when we think about it. For example, public speaking is stressful to almost anyone, and for obvious reasons. We become anxious and nervous when we think about doing it. This fear is natural. It helped keep our ancestors alive, and helps keep us alive today. If I didn’t fear the pain and potential death of falling off my roof, I wouldn’t try to avoid it. However, this fear and anxiety is especially strong in social situations. Many people become completely consumed by this fear, and let it dictate their every action. They fear being socially rejected, or made fun of, etc. But what they may not think about is that the people that are making fun of them for their weird hair, or old shoes may be equally afraid of social rejection. So these people make fun of other people’s “flaws” (traits deemed socially unacceptable by peers) in order to divert theirs and other people’s attention away from their own flaws. When we encounter a very strong fear or insecurity we generally handle it one of two ways. We both attack it head on and try to fix it, or run. This is what they are doing here. The person making fun of Johnny for having the wrong pair of shoes is running from his or her insecurity by pointing out something deemed socially unacceptable by his or her peers. Now, this may not be the case for every bully. Others may have insecurities or frustrations in other areas of their life, which they take out on other people. Fortunately here at THS, I feel we don’t have a great deal of bullying. We get along pretty well it seems.
Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear
I agree with this as long as it's not saying that every day is Only full of fear and anxiety. Fear and anxiety are just simply part of your life, stuff happens every day that makes you nervous or even scared, but many other good this happen each day too. I see this quote as more of a fact than anything, it's like saying you experience life everyday, and everyone does. Unfortunatly fear really helps us do things or helps us get things done, it's one of the reasons that homework actually, works. If kids didn't have the fear of not graduating high school they most likely wouldn't feal the need to do homework. Or the fear of not being able to support yourself and needing to get a job. Anxiety almost works in the same way I guess, maybe it helps you get those thing done faster. I believe that no matter how you look at it, this quote is pretty true
If you look at it philosophically, there's not much that doesn't create anxiety. You have to look at the statement in it's entirety, not just through isolated events. Do you believe in a higher power? A great purpose for life? If you do, then you may have relief knowing that things always work out and have meaning. If you don't have connection, than fear may pervade your life moreso.
The idea that I am born into a particular time, place, family and economic enviorment is absurd.
LET'S GET READY TO RUMMMMMMBBBBBLLLLEEEE!!!! if anyone believes in this statement they have denounced their very being. Their exstience obviously doesnt matter. I feel if you feel this way go live deep in some forrest because you don't need to reap any of the benefits that are privilage to people of a certain race or in the time you live in. Its absurd to think how whoever beleives this will still use their assets to get ahead, but none of it matters. I do feel we all have a greater purpose and where we get are start is in our beginning surroundings. Everyone should utilize all their natural abilities ans creed to help the world, It has to be for a worldwide reason that will help you and your neighbor.
So you do support this statement? I think the core of this statement is the idea that we have zero control over anything, especially the family we are born into. This notion that things are intentionally created is ludicrous and do not fly in the existential realm!
"In life, I must make choices regardless of what's best for others. I can only choose what's best for me."
I agree, because if help other people, we are really just doing it for ourselves because we want to feel good. People cannot help others without helping themselves.
"Day to day life is filled with anxiety and fear."
This statement is true without flaw. Everyday you're influenced with fear in this that occur everyday. Whether it's all or a combination of fearing appearance, personality, being liked, death, pain, depression, failure, etc. Even if you sat and did nothing while removing the social fears, there are still fears of blood clots, natural disasters, insects and pests, choking, heart attacks, etc. I believe someone who lives without any fear at all, won't be alive long enough to tell a tale about it.
"In life, I must make choices regardless of what's best for others. I can only choose what's best for me."
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this statement because you have the ability to choose whether or not you want to put yourself or others first. Someone who is humble might put others first more often than themselves. A narcissistic person would do what is best for them the majority of the time.
I agree with Natalie. Although most by compulsion would disagree with this statement, most in this world live this statement. We see this not only in how we communicate and what we buy, but also by the simple fact that a person CAN sit by and live a happy life while others die from a lack of any sort of decent physical living.
DeleteDiego Morquecho
DeleteI disagree with Natalie an Jeff because we all make choices that helps our selves even if that choices will affect other people for example If you have a job would you be willing to give it another person? idont think so, we all want what is best for our selves not to whats best for others.If this statement wouldn’t be true the world would be equal but its not. i might not be right but thats what i think.
Drew Davis
ReplyDelete"Existence is absurd and true meaning in life is impossible."
I disagree with this statement because we the people of planet earth didn't chose to be here or not it just happened. We can not say that our existence is absurd because we didn't chose are destiny and we shouldn't question it. We might not know the exact true meaning of life but each person can live their life the way they want to and be happy which ever way they chose to live it. i wouldn't say that the true meaning is impossible or should be looked at as irrational. People need to chose the true meaning of their own lives and figure out why they are here and make the best of it.
Thats my boy! Drewstopher knows what he's talking about. Don't conform to those status-quo pessimists who want to say that true meaning of life is impossible! if there was no meaning why would we be here? I completely agree with Drewson on this one. we do not have to know what the true meaning in life is because it could be different foe everyone. just because it is one way for one person does not mean that it is the same for someone else. i think that everyone has their own meaning to discover.
Delete"Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear."
ReplyDeleteI agree with this statement because just looking at a single point, decision making. What do you base most of your decisions off of? I base mine off consequence and what decision will have the best outcome because I FEAR what could happen. Many people base their decisions off the fear of approval of their peers, and the wrong decision could lead to anxiety. That is one reason why I believe our day to day lives are filled with anxiety and fear.
I agree, because I think that no matter if you feel anxious during the day or not, you most likely are basing decisions off of consequences that you may later fear. It also doesn't mean that you are terrified of something every day; this is spectrum based, meaning you can be very anxious one day, and barely the next.
Delete"Political philosophies, religious dogma, societal beliefs are irrelevant to me and do not define me."
ReplyDeleteI agree with this statement. Political philosophies, religious dogma and societal beliefs don't define me. I choose the ones that I believe in based on what my beliefs and morals are. Not by society, religion, or politics. Many people thing that those 3 things are the reason why you believe what you believe. I think that expieriences are the reason people believe what they believe. Contrary to a majority of society, I am not religious. So society's beliefs on religious dogma don't define me at all. I choose my beliefs on my own. As for politics, I think that people's political philosophies are mostly run by religion and societal beliefs. I think that polititians try to play to society so they are liked. They choose who to appeal to based on what is close to their own beliefs, then they make some compromises between their beliefs and society's beliefs. Political philosophies dont define me mainly becaus I don't follow politics very closely at all.
"Existence is absurd and true meaning in life is impossible."
ReplyDeleteI agree with this statement. Particularity the true meaning in life is impossible part. I believe that to a certain extent. I do not believe humans as a whole have a purpose or life's "true meaning." That being said I do believe that an individual can find something that is deeply important to them self and by doing that one could create their own individual true meaning.
I agree with Scott alot. There is no grand meaning for humans to exist, we just do. Be as people, we can find meaning in how we live our lives. In the whole scheme of things, life is meaningless, but on an idividual basis, there is.
DeleteI agree with Scott when he says that while humans as a whole don’t have an overall meaning in life, anyone single person can find a meaning that they feel is their meaning in life. I disagree with the statement that “Existence is absurd” because I feel that everyone has their own specific meaning in life thus making it meaningful
Delete"Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear"
ReplyDeleteI completely disagree with this statement, I don’t think that all of our life are filled with anxiety and fear; I think that while some of our life is filled with these things there is also a large part of it is also filled with joy and happiness. Everyone has feelings of anxiety and fear but the majority of people have the ability to break these feelings and are able to enjoy life and be happy and that’s why all people have moments of happiness from one time or another. No matter how a person may feel at one point in time there is always the possibility of making things better and improve their life.
I agree with Micheal and at one point I don't because you never know if life is a "day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear". examples: I went to Disneyland and i had tons of fun but in that particular day i did not feel any anxiety or fear. Don't get me wrong we'll feel fear and anxiety probably most days but not always.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDrew Davis
DeleteI agree with Michaels point because we shouldn't live in a life where we live day to day in fear of what is coming next. we should live in a life where everyday is new and exciting and we should live like its our last. there is some things in life that makes us have anxiety or fear but we try to avoid those things or not think about them. so why would life be filled with anxiety or fear if we just forget about those certain things? if a person is living in fear they will always try to improve their life like michael said, by basically bringing in happiness
The Stranger: Statements
ReplyDeleteWhether or not God exists is irrelevant because of free will
I believe that this statement is false for several reasons. Although my mind capacity is only limited to however far human minds can go, logic seems to tell me that this God or another higher power must exist simply because I do not believe the universe exists by random chance. This is one of the most mind-boggling concepts in my opinion that humans can undertake. Although some people believe in God, some Allah, and some in nothing, I think that since we are all on the same level as humans no one person’s opinion is more legitimate than another. I think that the question of whether or not a higher power exists is central to the original statement. I believe that I would not have a conscience like the one I have if free will ruled and there was no God. I think that free will is even not a legitimate issue to talk about now that the government is attempting to take away our liberties. So in the end this question is not really even a legitimate point to think about, all in my opinion, since we do not know if God exists and since most of the world does not even have free will, and since our government is trying to strip us of it. To some degree however, we do have the free will to think and form opinions in our minds. I think that the original statement can only be analyzed if a person accepts that we do have free will. Personally however, I think that God does exist, and my free will is dictated by my conscience which is dictated by how much I live by God. These are all just my opinions.
Word Count: 305
whoever this kid is sure knows what he's talking about...
DeleteSure Andrew, but this statement isn't declaring whether God exists or not. It's say that whether God exists or not doesn't matter because we all have the ability to choose
Delete"Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear"
ReplyDeleteI dont know how feel about it's 50/50 for me because life can be fun and hard at the same time. You cant really know what life has for you. Only God know for me. But i would say i disagree a little bit if i had to choose one. because life throws random obstacles at us.
I agree with Roble because I personality don’t live in anxiety or fear. I try to have fun and live life without living in fear.
DeleteI would have to agree with Roble on this one. Although we as humans live with a fear in the back of our minds of the possibility of death or some disastrous event, its not something that should corrupt the thinking of an individual. The individual can only think about that and to me, that sounds like a miserable and dreadful life, only looking forward to the moment of death and living in fear because of it. Life is a precious gift so why not take advantage of all the amazing things it has to offer? Life does throw random obstacles at us, but these obstacles can help build character and make a person stronger if they choose so to move past and overcome the obstacle itself
DeleteI think you're right, we feared and excited for tomorrow, because we have no idea what's comming next at corner. anxiety and fear is part of it, but not all of it.
DeleteHell yea guys
DeleteI agree with Roble but I think this statement is more true than false. Even though it says we have anxiety and fear every day, it doesnt say that we dont have other positive feelings everyday as well. And i also think that anxiety isnt always a bad thing. Any big decision you make probably makes you somewhat anxious, even if all of the choices are positive, choosing between them and reconsidering each one most likely makes you anxious.
DeleteMost of you are focusing on death being the only event which brings about anxiety and fear. If you think about the rationale human being, that is, a person who can create for themselves a logical conclusion about whether something is true or false, don't they still have an ounce of fear or anxiety about whether their interpretation may be inaccurately perceived? Meaning, while fear and anxiety may or may not rule a person's decision making, it is ever present on some level.
Delete"Existence is absurd[meaningless, ridiculous] and true meaning of life is impossible"
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with this statement. The idea that a single individual can simply say what life really is, is completely ridiculous. The simple fact is that as humans as a whole, everyone is different. For example, an Asian person is undoubtedly in some way different from an American, and vice versa. Though they two individuals may show similarities, they are indeed different. To add to this, the meaning of life isn't just restricted to our little star in our galaxy, but in fact is part of a solar system, which is part of a galaxy, which is part of a universe. Then you could (if you wanted) even say our own universe is grouped with an infinite number of alternate universes. The question that may arise from this is: Does the meaning of life only exist in our own universe, or is it's meaning defined with all of these other universes??? Perhaps the true meaning of life can only be connected when all universes have been analyzed together in an insanely complex web of information. And then we haven't even considered the dilemma of alternate dimensions.
There is a possibility that this is total rubbish, perhaps the meaning of life really is only limited to this spec, but I doubt that. If I were to accept any meaning of life, I would say that the ultimate answer to the ultimate question
is quite simply: 42.
I like your idea of individual universes as everybody perceives life in different ways and has different experiences, therefor the universe is different to each individual. However as far as a meaning of life I do not believe there is one meaning. I believe this because if there was a meaning of life then everything and everyone alive would naturally know what that meaning was because it would be, well the meaning of life. This of course removes the need for earth to be created to determine the true question but I feel it would not be necessary.
DeleteCouldn't agree more. No one has a say as to what is the meaning or what isn't. Nor whether we have meaning at all. If there was, then don't you think that there would be some kind of proof that could be shown to everyone without argument? I will be glad to listen when one comes across.
Delete“In life, I must make choices regardless of what’s best for others. I can only choose what’s best for me.”
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this statement because some people actually make choices having people in mind and they don’t think about what is best for them. But there are some people who just think of themselves and make choices that are best for them.
I also disagree, to some extent. When I make decisions that could affect people i care about i almost always pick what is best for them to make them happy. But I also from time to time find a compromise or other choice to satisfy both parties. When talking about large groups, yes i do try and make myself happy, but I’m not going to do what’s best for me if it is what is worse for everyone else. That is why I also disagree with this statement.
DeleteI agree, the statement says "In life I MUST"....stating that its you at end of the day so you kind of have to make your own decisions. So Alondra and Drew Nyberg if you are choosing your decisions with others in mind thats great and all but it says YOU MUST MAKE YOUR OWN, eventually cause you only have youself. So it inevitable no matter what cause one day YOU MUST! And when you do society and your surroundings have no other choice but to accept the aftermath bacause you made that decision for YOURSELF!
DeleteDay to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this statement. There is the constant fear and danger of death and darkness all around us. We seem to take this darkness and keep it in a corner and not ever look at it till it appears in some awful form to make us want to cover it in more darkness. IT is just how we as a society have learned to cope with his and it is slowly desensitizing and making our fears grow and grow.
I agree with Phillip because there is a slim chance to live through a day without feeling anxious or scared that something will happen. Being cautious everyday watching where you walk making sure you don't trip or fall. The littlest things we think in our heads are always tied to anxiety and fear. This is how we learn on a day to day bases.
DeleteExistence is absurd and true meaning in life is impossible
ReplyDeleteI agree, no one ever can choose random topic from nowhere and say, "this is true meaning of human being! everyone follow this!" like that. for me, life is like a big sand box in the playground that you can either do nothing and suck your finger or you can build as far as you can reach, yeah, pretty much you have to make your own goal for enjoy your little game. no one give you a answer of life, but there's so much people try to give me a hint, of course that's what reason people go to school and travel and find something really really important. however, I think true meaning of life can be exist if I'm only one person on the earth.
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DeleteThe individual must create his or her own meaning, you're right. It can be determined by learning what one values most, but essentially, there is no real meaning. You can live a full life, have children, be happy and you still might not know the meaning behind it all. According to Existentialism that is. All that I mentioned are external things to make someone happy, whereas the real idea may lie someplace else!
Delete"Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear"
ReplyDeleteAs stated in an earlier comment by Roble, I'd have to say I'm 50/50 on this. Yes in the minds of most people the thought of death and or a fearful event presents itself, but it should be something that does not consume our thinking or influencing the way we live. The topics should be confronted but only momentarily. Life is to precious to live in complete fear or be anxious, thats not at all how one should approach life. Before my dad passed away, often times he told me to never fear life, but to take advantage of it. Death is unavoidable, but why dwell on it? We were placed on this earth to grow, learn and live out our lives. He placed emphasis on the living part, dwelling on the thought of death can make one's life miserable, because you only have that one moment to well look forward to i guess. But in the grand scheme of things its not. There are so many greater things that should be able to replace the fear and anxiety up until the moment that it maybe needs to be thought about it. Being religious, I believe God wants us to enjoy the life he created for us, not live in fear because of it.
"My most authentic moment in life is death."
ReplyDeleteI agree with this statement just because it's the truth. You will die one day sooner or later. Even though we might not know when the day will come but at least we know that there will be one day in the future where you will die. It is sad to even wonder, when, what, where and how we will die. We could just have the knowledge to EXPECT what might happen when you do something for example crossing the middle of a freeway will definitely kill you. Common sense is not considered as an authentic moment because although we have a higher chance in predicting what will happen, things could change at that split second. But we all know that we will for sure because there is a very very slim chance we will be alive forever.
Death is the only constant we have. If we know the definition of authentic is genuine or real, this is the only 'real' event we know to exist. The rest doesn't matter, but it will happen whether we attribute meaning to it or not. When death occurs, which it eventually will, that will be the most real moment in entire lives. Weird to consider!
Deletewe are all born too...
Deleteand we celbrate it every year
DeleteBraden Anderton
ReplyDeleteMs. Coulson
World Lit. And Comp.
April 16, 2012
“Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear.”
I believe this to be very true. We are motivated by two things in life. Seeking pleasure, and avoiding pain. We know what to avoid because of the anxiety or fear we feel when we think about it. For example, public speaking is stressful to almost anyone, and for obvious reasons. We become anxious and nervous when we think about doing it. This fear is natural. It helped keep our ancestors alive, and helps keep us alive today. If I didn’t fear the pain and potential death of falling off my roof, I wouldn’t try to avoid it. However, this fear and anxiety is especially strong in social situations. Many people become completely consumed by this fear, and let it dictate their every action. They fear being socially rejected, or made fun of, etc. But what they may not think about is that the people that are making fun of them for their weird hair, or old shoes may be equally afraid of social rejection. So these people make fun of other people’s “flaws” (traits deemed socially unacceptable by peers) in order to divert theirs and other people’s attention away from their own flaws. When we encounter a very strong fear or insecurity we generally handle it one of two ways. We both attack it head on and try to fix it, or run. This is what they are doing here. The person making fun of Johnny for having the wrong pair of shoes is running from his or her insecurity by pointing out something deemed socially unacceptable by his or her peers. Now, this may not be the case for every bully. Others may have insecurities or frustrations in other areas of their life, which they take out on other people. Fortunately here at THS, I feel we don’t have a great deal of bullying. We get along pretty well it seems.
Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear
ReplyDeleteI agree with this as long as it's not saying that every day is Only full of fear and anxiety. Fear and anxiety are just simply part of your life, stuff happens every day that makes you nervous or even scared, but many other good this happen each day too. I see this quote as more of a fact than anything, it's like saying you experience life everyday, and everyone does. Unfortunatly fear really helps us do things or helps us get things done, it's one of the reasons that homework actually, works. If kids didn't have the fear of not graduating high school they most likely wouldn't feal the need to do homework. Or the fear of not being able to support yourself and needing to get a job. Anxiety almost works in the same way I guess, maybe it helps you get those thing done faster. I believe that no matter how you look at it, this quote is pretty true
If you look at it philosophically, there's not much that doesn't create anxiety. You have to look at the statement in it's entirety, not just through isolated events. Do you believe in a higher power? A great purpose for life? If you do, then you may have relief knowing that things always work out and have meaning. If you don't have connection, than fear may pervade your life moreso.
DeleteThe idea that I am born into a particular time, place, family and economic enviorment is absurd.
if anyone believes in this statement they have denounced their very being. Their exstience obviously doesnt matter. I feel if you feel this way go live deep in some forrest because you don't need to reap any of the benefits that are privilage to people of a certain race or in the time you live in. Its absurd to think how whoever beleives this will still use their assets to get ahead, but none of it matters. I do feel we all have a greater purpose and where we get are start is in our beginning surroundings. Everyone should utilize all their natural abilities ans creed to help the world, It has to be for a worldwide reason that will help you and your neighbor.
Chloe W.
So you do support this statement? I think the core of this statement is the idea that we have zero control over anything, especially the family we are born into. This notion that things are intentionally created is ludicrous and do not fly in the existential realm!
Delete"In life, I must make choices regardless of what's best for others. I can only choose what's best for me."
ReplyDeleteI agree, because if help other people, we are really just doing it for ourselves because we want to feel good. People cannot help others without helping themselves.
"Day to day life is filled with anxiety and fear."
ReplyDeleteThis statement is true without flaw. Everyday you're influenced with fear in this that occur everyday. Whether it's all or a combination of fearing appearance, personality, being liked, death, pain, depression, failure, etc. Even if you sat and did nothing while removing the social fears, there are still fears of blood clots, natural disasters, insects and pests, choking, heart attacks, etc. I believe someone who lives without any fear at all, won't be alive long enough to tell a tale about it.